Focused learning for all levels and disciplines.

My years as an equine Reiki practitioner, master teacher, holistic trainer, bodyworker, Equine behaviorist and certified Centered Riding, level I coach give me the tools to guide you through these fun-filled days of awareness!  To learn more about me …


The Incredible Lightness of Riding

“Skills that seem natural in one can be learned by another.”
– Jennifer McDermott


Take your riding to the next level with this unique offering born out of every rider’s quest for balance and lightness in their horse.   This one-day clinic will heighten your awareness through experiential exercises in the morning when we take away the distraction of the horse to hon in on skills frequently yelled across the arena by your instructor.  Move my seat bone how?!  Where?!  You will learn the why and how of basic horsemanship tenants through roll play.  We discuss the anatomy of the horse and how we can best move in harmony with them.  Learn about “comparable parts.” Find areas of natural draw.  Learn the logic behind lateral work.  Where is your unique balanced seat?   What does shifting your weight really do?  What happens when we pick up the rein? In the afternoon, we mount up and put to use what we experienced in the morning.

Yes! I want to take my riding to the next level!


Liberty in Life

“Trust is a Response to Trustworthiness”

There are many components of great horsemanship that can be applied to our everyday lives. The horse offers connection and communication through an unexpected teacher. In this course, we will speak to the essence of any good relationship, albeit human or horse:  clear communication beginning with our energetic connection.  We are so lucky to have these beautiful creatures as teachers.  There is no better sounding board than the horse in displaying our inner energy.

It is my intention to give you the tools to work with any horse off lead through clear communication using sound body and mind techniques.  Our equine friends are mega energetic emitters and receptors just like we are, but what makes them so special is their energetic sensitivity is far greater than ours and they never lie!  Among the herd, theirs is a silent communication based in body language and energetic “language.”

Each week your vocabulary will grow. You will discover what resonates more for you and your equine partner compared with other participants.  You will learn the basics of setting up a bonding communication with your horse and then fine tune it when you enter the arena.  You will discover the points of pressure that horses use to move each other around and the points that make them chill out.  You will learn what really matters to a horse.  They aren’t called “peaceable creatures” for nothing.

Yes!  I want to discover leadership skills!


Bodywork Basics

 “If you don’t take the time for your horse’s wellness, then you will be forced to make time for their illness.”
– A wise horseman or a dad who has paid a lot of vet bills

Just like I believe every rider is a trainer, I believe every rider needs to be their horse’s first line of defense for bodywork and illness.  Are you dealing with:

Cross-cantering * Bucking * Head Tossing in Transitions * Locking Stifles * Cinchy * Wither & Back Spasms * Hunter’s Bump * Soreness at the Poll?

Most issues have an acute onset stage that can be remedied with simple adjustments.  Bigger problems in need of professional care develop when twitchy muscles are ignored, or worse, an injury is attributed to “bad behavior.”  While not every issue can be remedied, simple adjustments may make your ride the best it can be and avoid injury.

During this fun day among your peers, learn how to prepare your horse’s body before you ride, activating basic muscle groups.  We will show you how to evaluate and release your horse’s muscles and skeletal system implemented during the grooming and tacking up process!  Learn what I call “Carrot Stretches of Consequence” to go beyond the side carrot stretch and isolate dynamic movements you wish your horse could perform with ease.  Learn where common trigger points are located to ease sore muscles and promote healing.  This is an incredibly empowering clinic for both students and instructors.  It teaches non-invasive techniques every student can apply.  Wouldn’t it be amazing to have this awareness at your own barn?!  Now that would be a well-adjusted herd!

In the words of Jo-Ann Wilson, the Sportsmassage Therapist for the US Olympic Eventing Team, having your horse “move better, perform better, last longer” with bodywork just makes sense.

Yes! I want my horse to Swing! 


Get ready! Get set!
Let’s ride!

 It is said that habits begin to form in 21 days.
Let’s chart this journey together to promote better horsemanship habits!


This is one of the newest clinics I’ve created just because of where I live and ride now.  We have real winters here in Vermont and whether you have an indoor, riding in winter is intermittent.  Baby its cold outside and snowy and muddy and icy and windy and frigid but sunny! – thank goodness for the sunny days!!!

This clinic focuses on getting your horse working again by bringing both the brains and the body back online.  We introduce or reintroduce fun and engaging connection sessions to enrich time spent together and to set a sound foundation for subsequent work.

Week one

  • Finding and building the connection.
  • Getting to know your horse.
    • Liberty obstacle course.
    • Intro to OSCAR Therapy.


Week two

  • Steps to Liberty
    • The power of Draw * Block * Send
    • Longline leading

Week three

  • Liberty obstacle course revisited.
  • Discover the power of the “Pause”
  • Set goals and create workable timeline and progress log.

Week four

  • Refining skills
  • What’s next?


“ARENAwORK” is given and chatting sessions happen before and after we work with horses, discussing successes and issues that came up during the week of “ARENAwORK.”

Not only does this clinic support your horse and progress, but we also build a community.   Riders can connect with each other offering support and motivation.

One of my biggest obstacles is finding the time to spend with my horses!  Irony of ironies, they live just steps out my door.  I am perplexed how in the past I found the hour+ to commute to my last barn, plus ride and clean, 5 days a week.  Bizarre.  I assuage my guilt by telling myself barn work fulfills my horsey mojo quotient.  And anyway, as my father says, “There’s always something.”

This clinic can be totally customizable to the needs of your barn community.

Yes!  I want to know my horse better

build a supportive community
all at the same time.