Get ready! Get set!
Let’s ride!

 It is said that habits begin to form in 21 days.
Let’s chart this journey together to promote better horsemanship habits!


This is one of the newest clinics I’ve created just because of where I live and ride now.  We have real winters here in Vermont and whether you have an indoor, riding in winter is intermittent.  Baby its cold outside and snowy and muddy and icy and windy and frigid but sunny! – thank goodness for the sunny days!!!

This clinic focuses on getting your horse working again by bringing both the brains and the body back online.  We introduce or reintroduce fun and engaging connection sessions to enrich time spent together and to set a sound foundation for subsequent work.

Week one

  • Finding and building the connection.
  • Getting to know your horse.
    • Liberty obstacle course.
    • Intro to OSCAR Therapy.


Week two

  • Steps to Liberty
    • The power of Draw * Block * Send
    • Longline leading

Week three

  • Liberty obstacle course revisited.
  • Discover the power of the “Pause”
  • Set goals and create workable timeline and progress log.

Week four

  • Refining skills
  • What’s next?


“ARENAwORK” is given and chatting sessions happen before and after we work with horses, discussing successes and issues that came up during the week of “ARENAwORK.”

Not only does this clinic support your horse and progress, but we also build a community.   Riders can connect with each other offering support and motivation.

One of my biggest obstacles is finding the time to spend with my horses!  Irony of ironies, they live just steps out my door.  I am perplexed how in the past I found the hour+ to commute to my last barn, plus ride and clean, 5 days a week.  Bizarre.  I assuage my guilt by telling myself barn work fulfills my horsey mojo quotient.  And anyway, as my father says, “There’s always something.”

This clinic can be totally customizable to the needs of your barn community.

Yes!  I want to know my horse better

build a supportive community
all at the same time.